Once-Future Office

Times Square Valentine Heart

Cosmically connecting in Times Sqaure


Collaborators: Young Projects, Parsons the New School for Design

We designed wayfinding and advertising for an award winning installation in Times Square, NYC. The Times Square Alliance Match-Maker Heart cosmically connected passersby looking for love in Times Square. Guided by their zodiac sign, visitors arrange themselves at twelve points around the heart-shaped sculpture and peer into colorful, interwoven periscopes to see their most ideal astrological mates. Winner of the 2015 Architizer A+ Awards Popular Vote and Jury Selection in the Architecture + Communication category.

once-future-office-Times Square Heart7
Times Square Valentine Heart viewing chart
Times Square Valentine Hear Pisces
Times Square Valentine Heart People Standing
Times Square Valentine Heart Pisces chart
Times Square Valentine Heart

Animation by Sean Hemmerle; Photos by Ka-Man Tse for @TSqArts